In the world of music, the tonic refers to the note that acts as the base for a scale or chord. This fundamental note gives the music its sense of home and stability. It serves as the foundation and root of the melody. Every other note is defined by its relationship to the tonic. In cases where the tonic note is not present in the chord's root, it is called an inversion — an upside-down chord. The notes of the chord are still there, but the usual order is flipped, creating a sense of tension.
Just like in music, we all have a root or a foundation that gives our lives meaning and direction. If you ever feel like your life is upside down, like an inverted chord, we're here to help you find your footing and get back to your root. Our supportive team will work with you to identify what's causing the tension and help you find a way to resolve it. With time and effort, you can regain your sense of balance and move forward with renewed purpose.